CIA Spy Breaks Down Whats REALLY Happening in Israel John Kiriakou

Former CIA officer John Kiriakou critically analyzes international relations, with a focus on Russia, Israel, and the Middle East. He discusses government overreach in privacy, the Israel-Palestine conflict, U.S. foreign policy towards Russia, and the role of the CIA in the Iraq War.

2 min · 366 words · John Kiriakou

Doz. Grigor Sarijski Vsicki grajdani plasat za vojnata

Dr. Grigor Sariyski discusses the problems in the American and European economy, the impact of sanctions on Russia, the challenges faced by the banking sector, the energy problem, Germany’s budget difficulties, Bulgaria’s potential entry into the Eurozone, de-dollarization process, geopolitical and economic implications of the conflict in Ukraine, and the economic dimension of the war. The video highlights the importance of Russia in the European economy and the need for a resolution to the conflict in Ukraine.

4 min · 660 words · Dr. Grigor Sariyski

From Russia with kompromat Talking Feds Podcast

This podcast episode discusses ex-President Trump’s relationship with Russia, potential compromising information, and his questionable business practices in the former Soviet Union. The limitations of the Mueller investigation and the need for further investigation are also covered.

3 min · 561 words · Harry Litman, Adam Davidson, Jeannie Rhee, Andrew Weissmann

How a New Pro-Russian Party Could Disrupt German Politics

This video discusses the potential formation of a new political party in Germany led by Sarah Wagenknecht, a prominent politician known for her pro-Russian views and criticism of identity politics. The video explores the background of the Left Party, the divisions within the party, and Wagenknecht’s dissenting views. It also highlights her economic policies, focus on German workers, and foreign policy stances, including calls to end sanctions on Russia and dissolve NATO. The video suggests that Wagenknecht’s popularity and potential new party could disrupt German politics and impact support for Ukraine.

3 min · 542 words · Narrator

How Putin Has Headed Off His Main Threat

The video discusses the execution of Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of the Wagner Group, and its implications for Russian President Vladimir Putin. It explores Putin’s history of eliminating adversaries, the shift in his approach, the reasons for targeting Prigozhin, and the timing of the execution. The sentiment of the video is critical of Putin’s actions and highlights the brutality and ruthlessness of his regime. Actionable items include recognizing the risks of opposing Putin, being cautious when negotiating with him, and monitoring the situation in Russia.

2 min · 368 words · John Doe, Jane Smith

How Russia Torched 50 Years of Strategic Planning in a Month! Peter Zeihan

Peter Zeihan discusses the current state of China and Russia’s strategic planning and the potential implications for the United States. He highlights the unpredictability of China’s actions and suggests that Russia may not be able to provide much more support to China. Zeihan emphasizes the vulnerability of China to economic sanctions and the potential consequences of such actions. He also discusses the historical relationship between the United States and Mexico, highlighting the distrust that has existed in the past. However, he notes that since the implementation of NAFTA in 1995, Mexico has become the United States’ largest trading partner and a potential ally. Finally, Zeihan dismisses the notion that China poses a significant technological threat to the United States, citing the limitations of China’s education system and the scale issue they face in terms of skilled labor.

3 min · 629 words · Peter Zeihan

Inside Belarus Putins Puppet Regime Documentary

This documentary provides an in-depth look into the oppressive regime of Belarus under President Lukashenko and his strategic alliance with Russia. It highlights the fear, repression, and lack of freedom experienced by Belarusian citizens, and expresses concern about the country’s relationship with Russia and its implications for regional security.

2 min · 353 words · Unnamed Journalists

Inside Prigozhin’s Wagner Russia’s Secret War Company WSJ Documentary

The video explores the operations of the Wagner Group, a private military company linked to Yevgeny Prigozhin, revealing their brutal acts and connection to the Kremlin. It highlights their expansion in Africa and involvement in the conflict in Ukraine. The video raises concerns about global security and calls for action to address private military companies.

3 min · 551 words · WSJ

KIEW UNTER ZEITDRUCK \Rasputiza\ naht – Kommende Monate entscheidend für Gegenoffensive WELT News

The transcript discusses Hurricane’s disappointing debut for FC Bayern Munich, Ukraine pressuring Germany for Taurus missiles, Poland deploying soldiers to its border with Belarus, wildfires in Hawaii causing deaths and destruction, shortage of skilled workers in the public sector in Germany, tragic incident in Berlin, explosion in Pennsylvania, and the growing popularity of the cryptocurrency World Coin.

3 min · 530 words · WELT News

North Nomads life in winter. Ural mountains and tundra life. Russia. Full film.

This film provides insight into the life of the North Nomads in the harsh winters of Ural mountains and tundra in Russia. It showcases their daily routines, survival strategies, and unique culture.

1 min · 183 words · Unnamed individuals

phoenixRunde Gegenoffensive - Wie steht es um die Ukraine?

The video discusses the current situation in Ukraine, the ongoing conflict with Russia, and the prospects for peace negotiations. It highlights the challenges faced by Ukraine and the importance of international support.

4 min · 657 words · Natalia Brechernitzka, Markus Keim, Paul Anton Krüger, Andreas

Prigozhin Is Dead...But Who Did It? Peter Zeihan

In this video, Peter Zeihan discusses the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner group, who was reportedly on a plane that crashed in Russia. Zeihan reflects on the potential suspects who may have wanted Prigozhin dead, including Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, the military-industrial complex, organized crime, Ukrainians, and even Americans. He also mentions the possibility of Prigozhin’s death being part of a larger political deal. Zeihan highlights the significance of Prigozhin’s role in Putin’s inner circle and the potential implications of his death for the Russian State.

2 min · 351 words · Peter Zeihan

Putin nach Flugzeugabsturz Lobeshymne auf Prigoschin

In this video, Russian President Vladimir Putin indirectly confirms the death of mercenary leader Evgeny Prigoshin in a plane crash north of Moscow. Putin expresses condolences to Prigoshin’s family and states that the cause of the crash will be investigated. He describes Prigoshin as a man with a complicated fate who made mistakes but achieved results both for himself and for the common cause. Putin acknowledges Prigoshin’s talent and success as a businessman, particularly in Africa. This is the first time Putin has publicly commented on the crash and his relationship with Prigoshin since their falling out in June.

2 min · 425 words · Russian President Vladimir Putin

PUTINS KALKÜL? \Ich selbst war auch überrascht\ – Unerwartete Kondolenz zu Jewgeni Prigoschins Tod

In this video, Christoph Wander discusses Russian President Vladimir Putin’s surprising comments on the death of Jewgeni Prigoschin and the other Wagner mercenaries. He explores the rift between Putin and Prigoschin, the importance of understanding Putin’s value system, and the Russian tradition of speaking about the dead. Wander acknowledges Prigoschin’s past mistakes but also recognizes his talent as a businessman. The most important message from Putin’s speech is the integration of the Wagner mercenaries into the Russian Defense Ministry and the installation of a Kremlin-loyal leadership within the paramilitary organization, particularly relevant for their operations in Africa.

3 min · 556 words · Christoph Wander

Russia China and the Revisionist Assault on the World Order A Book Talk with Gerlinde Groitl

Gerlinde Groitl, an associate professor of international politics and transatlantic relations, discusses her new book on the challenges posed by Russia and China to the Western liberal international order. She explores Germany’s changing foreign policy, the relationship between Russia and China, the emerging international order, and her strategy of neocontainment as a response. The book emphasizes the importance of understanding the motivations and goals of these countries and the need for a coordinated response from the West.

3 min · 454 words · Gerlinde Groitl

Russians are BEGGING for Help in Winter Cold

The video discusses the extreme cold in Russia, leading to mass heating failures, and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. It features various speakers including Russian citizens, President Putin, and several Republican figures.

2 min · 358 words · Jake (Defenders Channel Host), Various unnamed Russians, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Republican Senator Mitt Romney, Republican Representative Troy Nells, Republican Governor Chris Christie, Nikki Haley (Republican Presidential Candidate)

Russias energy empire Putin and the rise of Gazprom DW Documentary

This documentary explores Russia’s energy empire, focusing on Putin’s use of Gazprom for political influence. It highlights Europe’s heavy dependency on Russia’s natural gas reserves and the geopolitical implications that follow.

1 min · 118 words · Various unnamed speakers, Vladimir Putin, Gerhard Schröder, Angela Merkel, Andriy Kobolyev, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Alexei Miller, Jürgen Hambrecht, Richard Anderson, Matthias Warnig, Majko Seroetto

ukraine krieg nachgehakt Sicherheit mit Garantie - was die Ukraine dauerhaft schützen könnte

The video discusses the recent G7 and EU declaration to provide long-term support to Ukraine. It explores the difference between security assurances and guarantees, the potential for Ukraine’s NATO membership, and the comprehensive approach needed for Ukraine’s long-term security.

3 min · 550 words · Claudia Major

Vivek Ramaswamy Says President Xi Has Daddy Issues & Talks the Truth About Trump!

Vivek Ramaswamy discusses his run for president, criticizes super PACs and campaign financing, emphasizes national unity, addresses climate change agenda and China’s influence, proposes solutions to end the Ukraine war and weaken China’s alliance with Russia.

3 min · 437 words · Vivek Ramaswamy

Wird Wagner-Truppe sich an Russland rächen? Militärexperte zu Prigoschin-Absturz ZDFheute live

The military expert discusses the possibility of Russian President Putin being behind the plane crash that killed the leadership of the Wagner Group, a Russian private military company. He believes that Putin’s involvement is likely, given his history of eliminating opposition and his need to send a message. However, he acknowledges that it is not certain and the crash could have been an accident. The expert also discusses the potential political benefits for Putin and the impact on Russian troops in Ukraine. The future of the Wagner Group remains unclear.

2 min · 286 words · ZDFheute