15 Python Libraries You Should Know About in 2023

In this video, the presenter introduces 15 Python libraries that are useful and worth knowing about.

3 min · 488 words · Presenter

The strategy pattern write BETTER PYTHON CODE Part 3

In this video, the speaker discusses the strategy design pattern in Python and how it can be used to write better code. The strategy pattern is a generic solution to problems that developers encounter, allowing for different strategies to be implemented depending on the situation. The speaker provides an example of using the strategy pattern to handle support tickets in a customer support software, demonstrating how it leads to cleaner and more maintainable code. Actionable items include understanding the strategy design pattern, identifying areas where it can be used, implementing it using classes or functions, and exploring additional resources.

2 min · 379 words · Speaker

Why Use Design Patterns When Python Has Functions?

The video discusses the importance of design patterns in Python programming. It explains how functions can simplify the code and presents several design patterns. The speaker also introduces the concept of partial function application.

2 min · 217 words · Unnamed speaker