Deadliest Journeys - Papua New Guinea

This video showcases the challenging living and transportation conditions in Papua New Guinea, a country with high crime rates and poor infrastructure. It follows the lives of individuals navigating these hardships, including a truck driver, a businessman, a pilot, and a priest.

2 min · 410 words · Kevin, Gerard Philip, Antoine, Father Matthew

Ladakh Hell Beneath the Wheels  Deadliest Journeys

The video explores the challenging journey of drivers Adjai and Ali in Ladakh, the high-altitude struggles of local nomads, and the impact of modernization and tourism on traditional lifestyles and religious practices. It calls for improved safety and respect for local cultures.

2 min · 358 words · Adjai (Driver), Ali (Co-Pilot), Tenzin (Wandering Monk), Barkam (Nomad), Dolma (Nomad)