Summary of the video 5 Cold Cases That Were SOLVED In 2023

Speakers: Narrator, Ryaniskurka, Ryan (Kayla’s father), South Elgin Chief of Police Jerry Krausstik, Heather Un Bahaun, Judge Julia Yetter, Larry Fuller, Paula Silva, David Hendren, Colorado Bureau of Investigation spokeswoman Lisa Kohlbrenner, Monica Escalante (Paula Silva’s daughter), Sarah Yarborough, Patrick Leon Nicholas, Judge Josephine Wiggins, Laura Yarborough (Sarah’s mother), Ann Crony, Andrew Yarborough (Sarah’s brother), Carol Reef, Joseph Grisoff, Detective Jeremy Jankowski, Gloucester Township Police Chief David Harkins, Jose Randolpho Pagoda, Odilan Villagrin Gudino.

Important Points and Facts:

  1. Kayla was abducted by her mother, Heather, in 2017 and was found in 2023 thanks to a tip from a woman who recognized them from an episode of Netflix’s Unsolved Mysteries.
  2. Larry Fuller was shot and killed on New Year’s Day 2009, and his case went cold until 2023 when David Hendren was arrested for the crime.
  3. Sarah Yarborough was killed in 1991, and her case went cold until 2019 when Patrick Leon Nicholas was arrested for the crime. He was found guilty in 2023.
  4. Carol Reef went missing in 2013, and her remains were found four days later. In 2023, Joseph Grisoff was arrested for her murder.
  5. Jose Randolpho Pagoda’s decomposed body was found in a car trunk in 2014. In 2021, the suspect, Odilan Villagrin Gudino, was arrested in Mexico and extradited to the United States in 2023.

Actionable Items:

  1. Further investigation and court proceedings for the cases of Heather Un Bahaun, David Hendren, Patrick Leon Nicholas, Joseph Grisoff, and Odilan Villagrin Gudino.
  2. Continued use and development of DNA analysis techniques to solve cold cases.
  3. Continued public awareness and vigilance to aid in solving missing persons and cold cases.

Sentiment of the Video: The video has a somber and serious tone, as it discusses several tragic and unresolved crimes. However, there’s also a sense of relief and justice served as each of these cold cases were finally solved in 2023.

5 Cold Cases That Were SOLVED In 2023