Neil DeGrasse Tyson is OUT OF CONTROL

In this video, Neil DeGrasse Tyson discusses the reasons behind human space travel and the role of robots in space exploration. He argues that the media’s focus on astronauts and their potential for death makes human space travel more interesting to the public. However, he believes that robots have a greater impact on our culture and inspire future generations to pursue space exploration. Tyson also challenges the notion that the Apollo program was driven by scientific curiosity, stating that it was primarily motivated by geopolitical reasons and the fear of war. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the political and scientific aspects of space exploration to make informed decisions and policies.

2 min · 297 words · Neil DeGrasse Tyson

The Search For Elusive Planets is Over Space Documentary 3 Decades of Research of X File Mystery

This documentary explores the search for elusive planets, focusing on the discovery and exploration of Pluto and Saturn’s moons. It highlights the journey of the New Horizons and Cassini missions, revealing Pluto’s complex surface and the potential for life on Saturn’s moons. The video reflects awe and wonder at these discoveries, with a hint of nostalgia for the early days of planetary discovery.

3 min · 471 words · Percival Lowell, Clyde Tombaugh, Vinisha Burney, Alan Stern, Fran Bagenal, Heidi Becker, Lee Fletcher, Steve Desch, David Grinspoon, Michelle Docherty, Kevin Baines, Carolyn Porco, Carl Murray